Hard to believe the summer flew by so fast, but it’s almost time to prepare your home for fall! Here are a few easy things to do this autumn to make sure your residence has a smooth seasonal transition.

fertilizing the yard

1. Fertilize your Lawn

Just because summer is over doesn’t mean your lawn duties are over just yet. If you put some time into your lawn now, it will pay off in the spring! Apply a fall lawn fertilizer to help prevent winter damage and prevent spring weeds.

2. Reverse Your Ceiling Fan

Here’s a fall prep tip you may not think about: now is also a good time to reverse your ceiling fan. During the winter, warm air rises up to the ceiling while cool air stays closer to the ground. Reversing your ceiling fan forces the cool air up and the warm air down, so your home stays a bit warmer and (hopefully) your energy costs get lower.

dirty house gutters

3. Clean the Gutters

It’s not anyone’s favorite outdoor activity, but cleaning your gutters is an important way to prepare your home for fall. If rain gutters are blocked with leaves, branches, or debris they can easily overflow. Eventually, this can cause water damage to your home, including in the foundation and in the basement.

Detector on ceiling

4. Check Your Smoke Detectors 

The change of any season is a good time to make sure your smoke detectors are working properly. (One easy way to remember: set a reminder on your calendar for every three months!) Replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. Then press the test button to insure they are all working properly.

flower bulbs ready to plant in the fall garden.

5. Plant Spring Blooming Bulbs Now

You may be excited about the cooler weather still to come, but now is the time to start thinking about spring flowers! There are several spring-blooming flowers that must be planted at just the right time during the fall. For example, tulip, iris, daffodil, hyacinth, and lily bulbs should all be planted as soon as the ground is cool, when evening temperatures average between 40° – 50°F.

mom and son playing in the backyard in fall

Prepare Your Home for Fall in a new Foxlane Neighborhood

Fall marks the beginning of the holiday season — and a lot of time spent gathering at home with loved ones. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to gather in a new Foxlane home? We have a number of quick-delivery homes available for your family to call home for the holidays! Or build a Foxlane home from the ground up, and be ready to celebrate next fall in a residence that perfectly reflects you and your family. Contact us today for more info.