Keeping cool at home can be a bit of a challenge once the summer sun starts blazing. Fortunately, there are several effective, easy (and fun) ways to beat the summer heat at home. Here are some of our favorites.

Close Your Curtains
One of the simplest ways to cool your home is by closing your blinds or curtains — especially on south and west-facing windows. This can significantly reduce the amount of heat entering your home. For even better results, invest in black-out curtains to shield your home from the harsh summer sun.

Adjust Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans can be a great help in cooling your home, but they need to rotate in the right direction. Set your ceiling fans to rotate counter-clockwise in summer to push air straight down, creating a cooling effect. (In winter, switch them to rotate clockwise to pull cool air up.) This simple adjustment can make a big difference in your comfort level.

Hang Out in the Evening
During the day, it’s best to keep your windows closed to keep the hot air out. However, once it cools down in the evening, open your windows to let the cooler air in. Now that the temperatures are cooler, you can enjoy eating dinner outdoors or inviting the neighbors over for a crisp backyard cocktail.

Use Cold Water to Cool Down
Cooling your skin is an easy way to feel more comfortable in the heat. Start by taking a cool (not freezing) shower. You can also quickly cool down by putting your hands and feet in cold water! Wrists and ankles have pulse points where blood vessels are close to the skin, making this an effective way to cool down fast.

Eat Light Meals
It’s no surprise that eating heavy meals can make you feel hotter, so opt for light, well-balanced meals instead. Foods with high water content, such as strawberries, cucumber, celery, and lettuce, will help keep you hydrated and cool. Choosing to cook or grill outside (instead of using your oven) is also a great way to keep your home cooler!

Have Some Fun in the Sun
Sometimes, the best way to beat the summer heat at home is to embrace it with fun activities. Organize a water fight with hoses, water balloons, or spray bottles. Or create a DIY water park in your backyard with a slip-and-slide, sprinklers, buckets, and kiddie pools. These activities are not only refreshing but also a great way to enjoy the summer with family and friends.

Beat the Heat at Home in a New Foxlane Home
Incorporating these tips will help you enjoy a cooler, more comfortable summer at home. And when you live in a brand new Foxlane home customized to be your own, you’ll enjoy luxury living year-round. Schedule a tour to discover our communities throughout Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Coastal Delaware to find your Foxlane home today.